Institute Lead

Benjamin Perrier is a specialized researcher in Juridical Border Studies for the Borders in Globalization research project. His main field of research includes the border object as a complex and dynamic juridical object, the juridical dimension of border-separation and border-cooperation. His research focuses, on the one hand, on the international law of territorial delimitations, border control, territorial curiosities and territorial disputes/conflicts, and on the other hand, on the law of the European Union, law of international neighbourhood, and on the law of cross-border cooperation. The history of states and borders, the evolution of border ideas and institutions, the current and multiple forms of functional juridical borders, the effects of the EU and globalization on borders, the emergence of global law and transnational law are also part of his field of investigation.

Institute Speakers

Learn more about each speaker and what topics they will cover for the 2024 Law of Borders in the 21st Century Summer Institute.

Micro-Credit Streams

This institute is required to complete Stream 3: Law of Borders and Cross-Border Laws. Additionally, this course can be taken to fulfill the requirements of Stream 2: (Im)migration and Mobility.

Stream 2 – Modern Border Management: (Im)migration and Mobility

Stream 3 – Modern Border Management: Law of Borders and Cross-Border Laws

Thank You to Our Summer Institute Sponsors