Institute Lead

Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly is the Project Director at Borders in Globalization and a Co-Principle Investigator with Dr. Jeff Corntassel on the 7-year SSHRC partnership grant entitled “21st Century Borders” and is the lead of Pillar 2 for that grant focusing on Territory & Connectivity. He joined the University of Victoria School of Public Administration in 2001 and is a Professor of Public Policy at the University of Victoria. He was the Jean Monnet Chair in European Urban and Border Region Policy (2014–16), then the Jean Monnet Chair in Innovative Governance (2017–20), and he is currently the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Policy and Governance (2021–24).

Institute Speakers

Micro-Credit Streams

This institute is required to complete the following streams:

Stream 1 – Modern Border Management: Trade and Customs

Stream 2 – Modern Border Management: (Im)migration and Mobility

Stream 3 – Modern Border Management: Law of Borders and Cross-Border Laws

Summer Institute Sponsors