Policy Partner – Headquartered in Germany

Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network

Primary Contact: Ann Thevenet

The Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network (TEIN), formed in 2010, now brings together 15 partners from 9 border regions in Europe. Its unique feature is that it consists of universities, research institutes and training centres, which are dedicated to the practical business of cross-border cooperation in Europe.TEIN is led by the Euro-Institut, created in 1993 in Kehl/Strasbourg on the French/German/Swiss border with the aim of facilitating cross-border cooperation.

TEIN partners come from maritime borders, old European borders, new eastern borders, post-conflict borders and external borders. Because of this, TEIN is able to measure the need for capacity building in cross-border cooperation throughout Europe. All members have subscribed to a common charter to ensure the organization of the network and the quality of its output.

TEIN’s objective is to build capacity in cross-border contexts to strengthen European integration. To that end, TEIN Members follow the aim of facilitating cross-border cooperation and providing practical solutions to European cross-border issues.

In that respect, TEIN Partners:

  • Develop training and mentoring that is ‘fit for purpose’ for cross-border issues and in  cross-border contexts;
  • Capitalize on learning from the different regional initiatives;
  • Work on new products such as transferable training modules, methods, tools
  • Produce relevant research
  • Increase knowledge and awareness of cross-border issues (at local, regional, national and European level)

TEIN role in the 21st Century Borders project

 In the framework of the 21st century borders project, TEIN will organize one conference per year (6 during the whole project) in the framework of the pillar 1 looking inside of states at how minorities (indigenous) awareness and resurgences along with increasingly prevalent politics of nationhood and nationalism affect, fragment, and re-draft intergovernmental relations. We will look at this through different angles (historical, political, legal, geographical, cultural etc.) in a transdisciplinary approach and at different European borders.

Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network