Nick Megoran is a Visiting Fellow working with the Borders in Globalization program and the Centre for Global Studies and Professor of Political Geography at Newcastle University. His work focuses on nationalism and border dynamics in the Danish-German and Uzbek-Kyrgyz borderlands, which he has been researching for three decades. He has authored numerous articles and books on this topic, including Nationalism in Central Asia: A Biography of the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Boundary (Pittsburgh 2017).
In 2023, Nick conducted field research funded by BIG Lab on the impacts of border re-openings in recent years along the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan boundary. He is currently preparing this research for publication. Nick is also completing a book manuscript on the ‘open borders’ debate for McGill-Queens University Press, entitled Whatever Happened to Our Borderless World? (Forthcoming, McGill-Queens).