Special Section: Alberta, Canada – Integrating Fragmented Borders and Borderlands
Journal of Borderlands Studies | Volume 24, Issue 2 | 2019
This issue of Journal of Borderlands Studies examines the context of Alberta: Canada’s fourth largest province by population and third largest in economic terms. Landlocked Alberta is a dynamic, heavily urbanized yet largely resource-driven economy which has experienced considerable economic diversification since the 1980s. The province’s major export sectors, particularly its energy and agri-food sectors, have been transformed by changes to wider regulatory and market structures, major technological innovations, and the opportunities and pressures arising from global and North American commodity price cycles. These shifts have prompted large-scale movements of people and capital, creating substantial ripple effects in both larger and smaller Canadian jurisdictions. However, they have also provoked and been caught up in countervailing social and political tensions across North America with broader implications transcending provincial or national boundaries.
Borders in Globalization: Alberta in a BiG Context by Greg Anderson and Geoffrey Hale
Borders Near and Far: The Economic, Geographic and Regulatory Contexts for Trade and Border-Related Issues in Landlocked Alberta by Geoffrey Hale
Borders, Boundaries, and the Politics of Petroleum Pipelines by Ian Urquhart
Alberta’s Oil Sands Manufacturing Supply-Chain Imports: Evaluating Borders, Boundaries and Borderlands by Christopher J. Kukucha
Shifting Figurative, Functional and Operational Borders: The Multiple Worlds of Agri-Food Trade and Border Regimes by Kevin Wipf
Water Stewardship and Rescaling Management of Transboundary Rivers in the Alberta-Montana Borderlands by Yale D. Belanger
Managing the Regulatory Tangle: Critical Infrastructure Security and Distributed Governance in Alberta’s Major Traded Sectors by Geoffrey Hale and Cailin Bartlett