Dr. Simon Dalby at Wilfrid Laurier University leads the Sustainability theme in the Borders in Globalization project.

Dr. Heather Nicol at Trent University leads the Arctic region in the Borders in Globalization project.

Dr. Élisabeth Vallet at the Université du Québec à Montréal leads the Québec region research in the Borders in Globalization project.

Dr. Martin Klatt (University of Southern Denmark) is one of the International Leads in the Borders in Globalization project.

Ron Williamson (ASI) on the Indigenous Peoples in the Great Lakes region

ASI | Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Services is one of our non-academic partner organizations of the Borders in Globalization project.

Dr. Randy Widdis at the University of Regina leads the History theme and Prairies region research in the Borders in Globalization project.

Dr. Geoffrey Hale at the University of Lethbridge leads the Flows theme and Alberta region research in the Borders in Globalization project.

Dr. Ben Muller is one of the researchers working on the Security theme in the Borders in Globalization project.

Dr. Christian Leuprecht at the Royal Military College of Canada leads the Security theme in the Borders in Globalization project with colleagues Mark Salter (University of Ottawa) and Stéphane Roussel (École nationale d’Administration publique (ENAP). Collaborators on the security theme

Dr. Edward Boyle at Kyushu University is one of the International Leads in the Borders in Globalization project.

Matt Morrison is the CEO of the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER), one of our non-academic partner organizations of the Borders in Globalization project.

Can Mutlu (Acadia University) on the external border management of the EU

Dr. Victor Konrad at Carleton University leads the Culture theme in the Borders in Globalization project.

Dr. Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary at Grenoble-Alpes University is one of the International Leads in the Borders in Globalization project.

Jean Peyrony is the Director General of Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière and was a plenary speaker at the BIG Second International Conference.

Dr. Melissa Kelly at Carleton University is a former Borders in Globalization Postdoctoral Fellow and one of the research affiliates in the Borders in Globalization project.

Alex Norfolk is a Researcher and Special Projects Coordinator in the Borders in Globalization project.

Martín Guillermo Ramírez is the Secretary General of the Association of European Border Regions and was a plenary speaker at the BIG Second International Conference.

Andrew Griffith (Former Director General, Immigration Department) on the transformation of borders

Kelly Sundberg (Mount Royal University) on the Contemporary Reality of Border Security for Alberta

Alan Bersin (Harvard Kennedy School Inaugural Fellow, Homeland Security Project, Former, Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Chief Diplomatic Officer for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Policy) was a keynote speaker at the BIG Second International Conference.

Interviews from the 2nd International BIG Conference, Ottawa 2017