Institutional Opportunities for Cross-Border Cooperation Between the European Union and Ukraine in the Local Regional Context
Tatiana Shaban | BIG Research Reports | #41
The Eastern Partnership (EaP) was built on the frame of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and designed to “accelerate political association and further economic integration” between the Union and partner countries. The policy was the first comprehensive initiative introduced into the system of the EU’s external relations, which designed to help neighbouring countries with their approximation to and integration with the EU rules and norms, based on a differentiated approach committed to supporting each partner country to progress in its own way and at its own speed. The EaP was developed with the aim to advance political dialogue and cooperation in a number of areas, including governance, trade, migration and border management, energy and the environment by setting up bilateral and multilateral projects and programs in areas of economic, political and cultural development with all EaP participants (except for Belarus).