Euroregion as an Important Mechanism of Cross-border Cooperation Between Ukraine and the European Union
Tatiana Shaban | BIG Research Reports | #39
This paper is an examination of the current European Integration course of the Ukraine within the framework of the Carpathian Euroregion (CE) from the viewpoint of cross-border governance. The main assumption behind that examination is the fact that European integration (with or without European Union (EU) membership) is good for Ukraine . On February 14, 1993 the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Poland and Ukraine ratified a declaration in the city of Drebecen (Hungary), which claimed that the “establishment of the “CE” would greatly contribute to strengthening of friendship and prospering of the countries of the present regions as well as guarantee active applications of the principles of the Helsinki Act (1975), the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (1990) and other instruments. The problem is that according to Mytryaeva, the “Carpathian Euroregion” model developed in theory with the assistance of the experts from the East-West Institute who voiced their concern over numerous local initiatives of transboundary cooperation was neither understood nor supported by the national governments (Mytryaeva 2007, p.126).
Tatiana Shaban