The second annual Borders in the North summer institute was hosted at Yukon College, in partnership with the Yukon Research Centre and the EUCE at UVic. The Borders in the North institute brought together international border experts, government leaders, private sector partners and graduate students to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the economies and societies of the North as related to the six project themes: culture, flows, governance, history, security and sustainability. Experts from the EU offered a comparative perspective as well. The institute was one of three summer schools offered by the Borders in Globalization research program in 2016; we hosted one in Montreal on border security in Quebec, May 30 – June 4, 2016 and one on Ontario’s borders in Ottawa, June 6-10, 2016. The Borders in the North conference was made possible thanks to support from European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE) at the University of Victoria.

2016 Borders in the North Summer Institute