Jean Monnet Chair 2020-2023
EU Policy and Governance

This Jean Monnet Chair brings together the School of Public Administration (SPA) and the faculty of Human and Social Development at the University of Victoria (UVic). Our plan delivers on the university’s internationalization agenda (Making a World of Difference: International Plan 2017-2022), which aims to sharpen UVic’s edge in an increasingly global world. Our organization will better prepare students, scholars, and policy makers for the changing politics and economics of the EU and EU-Canada relations, including complex challenges posed the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreements (CETA) and also unprecedented numbers of people moving across borders of Canada and the EU.
Through the creation of two new courses, the Europeanizing of two existing courses, a public lecture series, and graduate student supervision, this Jean Monnet Chair (JMC) in European Union Policy and Governance (Functional and Territorial) builds and expands on the foundations of European Union studies already existing in the curriculum of our Graduate Programs in Public Administration (residential and online) and in Community Development at the University of Victoria, and create an area of Specialisation in EU Border Studies. The Jean Monnet Chair fosters local, provincial and federal public civil expertise on the European Union policy making and governance, especially in the areas of borders, customs, migration, and security (human and state).
The chair will create two NEW graduate courses, Europeanize two existing courses, develop a lecture series, and supervise two-four master’s thesis/reports, which will be presented publicly. Both of the new graduate courses will focus on aspects of territorial and functional governance in EU Border programs (Interreg and IBM) in comparative perspectives with Canada. Both of the existing courses are required courses for all Master’s students across all three programs. All four courses and supervisions will be taught by Dr. Brunet-Jailly; Summer Schools will have doctoral and post-doctoral students as well as professional and expert guest speakers.
This network is housed at the University of Victoria and led by Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly.
The Canadian team includes Dr. Helga Kristin Hallgrimsdottir, Nicole Bates-Eamer, Michael Carpenter, Helga Kristin Hallgrimsdottir, Edwin Hodge, and Benjamin Perrier.
Project Funders