FRONTEM Keynote: Cross-Border Relations on the Canada/United States Border and the European Union: MultiLevel Governance?

with Laurie Trautman, Jean Peyrony, and chair Birte Wassenberg | Victoria, Canada & Zoom | July 6, 2023

“Cross-Border Relations on the Canada/United States Border and the European Union: MultiLevel Governance?” was presented on July 6th, 2023 by Laurie Trautman and Jean Peyrony, chaired by Birte Wassenberg.

This keynote event was part of the FRONTEM Conference hosted from July 6th–7th at the University of Victoria.

The event took place from 5:30–7:00pm PST on the 6th and was open to the greater public. Attendees joined both in-person and over Zoom.

Watch the full recording on our YouTube!

FRONTEM Keynote: Cross-Border Relations on the Canada/United States Border and the European Union: MultiLevel Governance?