Canada Workshop – Canada’s border and migration policies in comparative perspective

Victoria, Canada | November 13, 2018

This closed workshop focused on exploring comparative border and migration policy coming out of the European migration crisis from a Canadian perspective. This is the last workshop of the project; we have already conducted workshops in Strasbourg (internal EU borders, Schengen), Brussels (on external EU borders, Dublin), Japan (on “immigration” policies). The purpose of the workshop is to present, discuss, review and analyze, border and migration literatures and policies and to do so from a comparative perspective. There is a public talk, connected to this workshop, by Birte Wassenberg – see below.

Comparing and Contrasting EU Border and Migration Policy – Are They Exemplary?

Organized by the Jean Monnet Network

Panel 1 – Setting the context: Ethical questions / humanitarian issues regarding global border and migration policies was moderated by Oliver Schmidtke (University of Victoria), and featured speakers Scott Watson (University of Victoria) on Canada and the International Refugee and Migration Regime; Asad Kiyani (University of Victoria) on The Three Dimensions of Canada’s Migration Crisis; Nicole Bates-Eamer, (PhD Student at University of Victoria) on Climate Change & Migration to Canada. The panel also featured Discussant Jean McRae (Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria).

Panel 2 – National Policies in Comparison – Canada & Comparisons EU was moderated by Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (University of Victoria), and featured speakers Birte Wassenburg (University of Strasbourg) on EU Internal Borders; Can Mutlu (Acadia University) on EU External Borders; Donald Galloway (Law, retired) on Canadian legal perspectives; and Oliver Schmidtke (University of Victoria) on Canadian political & historical perspectives. The panel also featured Discussant Michael Carpenter (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Borders in Globalization at UVic).

Panel 3 – Perspectives from the Field was moderated by Jean McRae (Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria), and featured speakers Solomon Wong (INTERVistas – speaking remotely) on Beyond Preclearance and Border Policy; Sabine Lehr (Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria) on “Exporting” refugee sponsorship: Navigating the borders of expansion or restriction of the protection regime; and Claude Beaupre (MA Student Sciences Po) on Analysis of the Canadian Media Coverage of the Migrant and Refugee Crisis in Europe, 2015 2016. The panel also featured Discussants Scott Watson and Can Mutlu.

Finally, the workshop held a recap roundtable led by Michael Carpenter (University of Victoria).

The Workshop also featured a public lecture from Birte Wassenburg, European Border Regions

Canada Workshop – Canada’s border and migration policies in comparative perspective