BIG Book Launch | “Borders and Migration: The Canadian Experience in Comparative Perspective”

Virtual | February 28, 2023

Join the editors, plus special guests, for a panel discussion of “Borders and Migration: The Canadian Experience in Comparative Perspective” published by University of Ottawa Press (2023). The editors of the book, Michael Carpenter (9:52), Melissa Kelly (22:00), and Oliver Schmidtke (27:18), summarize their main findings and arguments, bridging divides between border studies and migration studies. Two chapter contributors join the panel to present their findings: Scott Watson (33:52) discusses the global migration regime, and Asad Kiyani (41:43) discusses the so-called Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the United States. The panel is moderated by Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, author of the book’s concluding chapter, and a Q & A (49:25) follows.

Tuesday February 28, 2023 Centre for Global Studies University of Victoria


Michael J. Carpenter is a postdoctoral researcher with the Borders in Globalization program at the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria.

Melissa Kelly is a research fellow with the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Oliver Schmidtke is Professor in the Departments of Political Science and History at the University of Victoria where he also serves as the director of the Centre for Global Studies since 2012.

Scott Watson is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Political Science at the University of Victoria.

Asad Kiyani is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria.

Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly is Professor in the School of Public Administration and leader of the Borders in Globalization program at the University of Victoria.

BIG Book Launch |