2015 International Symposium

Victoria, Canada | April 13th, 2015

“Borders in Globalization: A Symposium with International Scholars”: The Borders in Globalization Project hosted an afternoon symposium on April 13 2015 at UVic, showcasing the work of its international colleagues on borders and border regions around the world.

The symposium featured speakers including Dr. Todd Hataley (Royal Military College of Canada), Dr. Martin van der Velde (Radboud University Nijmegen – The Netherlands), Dr. Birte Wassenberg (Centre Raymond Poidevin, IEP, Université Strasbourg – France), Dr. Bernard Reitel (IFD/Discontinuités, Université d’Artois – France), Dr. Alex Bukh (Victoria University of Wellington – New Zealand), Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (University of Victoria), Dr. Victor Konrad (Carleton University), Dr. David Davidson (Western Washington University) Dr. Melissa Gauthier (University of Victoria), Sarah Grünendahl (PhD Candidate visiting fellow at the University of Victoria), and Tatsiana Shaban (PhD Candidate at the University of Victoria).

2015 International Symposium