BIG Inaugural Conference
Carleton | 2014
Day 1 – Thursday September 25, 2014
Panel 1 – Presentation of BIG Themes
Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (University of Victoria)
“Presentation of BIG’s Governance Theme”
Randy Widdis (University of Regina)
“Presentation of BIG History Theme”
Simon Dalby (Wilfrid Laurier University)
“Presentation of BIG’s Sustainability Theme”
Victor Konrad (Carleton University)
“Presentation of BIG’s Culture Theme”
Panel 2 – Governance of Borders: Thematic Context
Kevin O’Shea (Office of the Privy Council)
“Border Governance: A Canadian Perspective”
Tony Payan (Rice University)
“Crossborder Governance in the Paso del Norte Region”
Panel 3 – Security and Borders: Thematic Context
Panel 4 – Sustainability and Borders: Thematic Context
Keynote Address
Sarah Green (Queen’s University)
“Border Knots: Ethnographic Notes on the Entanglements of Power, Ideas, and Practices in Generating Relative Locations”
Panel 5 – Flows: Labour and Market Flows
Geoffrey Hale (University of Lethbridge)
“Market Flows, Migration, and Territoriality: Managing Multi-Dimensional Complexity Amid the Challenges of Continuing “Fragmegration“”
William Anderson, Hanna Maoh and Charles Burke (University of Windsor & McMaster University)
“Passenger Car Flows Across the Canada-US Border:The Effect of 9/11”
Michael Ircha (Carleton University & University of New Brunswick)
“Protectionism at the Border: Canadian Ports and the U.S. Harbor Maintenance Tax”
James M. Laws (Canadian Meat Council)
“Re-inspection of Meat at the Canada-US Border”
Panel 6 – Thematic Border History
Panel 7 – Borders and Culture
Victor Konrad (Carleton University)
“Conceptualizing Borders and Culture”
Panel 8 – Flows: Migration and Diaspora
Furio deAngelis (UNHCR Representative in Canada)
“Refugee Protection and the Management of International Borders: Challenges and Good Practices”
Mert Coskan (Carleton University)
“Illegal Aliens and the Inconspicuous Geographies of US Immigration and Border Policing within 100 Miles of the US-Canada Border”
Panel 9 – Governance: Governance and Public Policy
Don Alper (Western Washington University)
“Perimeters and Frontiers: Evolving Border Governance on the Canada-US Border”
Greg Anderson (Carleton University & University of Ottawa)
“Building Without Architecture”
Panel 10 – Borders and Indigenous Cultures
Laetitia Rouviere (Carleton University)
“Border Security Meeting Cross-Border Territorialities: Aboriginal Experiences in the Americas”
Day 2 – Friday, September 26, 2014
Plenary Session – Introduction of Border Regions
Victor Konrad (Carleton University)
“Presentation of BIG’s Regions South of 60”
Panel 1 – Atlantic Canada Culture and Flows
Panel 2 – Alberta Labour and Market Flows
Panel 3 – Security and Borders
Emily Gilbert (University of Toronto)
“Cultures of Security at the North American Borders”
Elaine Koren (Public Safety Canada)
“Fusion Centres in Selected Countries”
Panel 4 – Arctic Borders
Scott Stephenson (University of Connecticut)
“Trans-Border Shipping in the North American Arctic: Projections of 21st-Century Viability”
Panel 5 – International Governance of Eurasian Borders
Bernard Reitel and François Moullé (Université d’Artois)
“Cross-Border Metropolitan Regions in Europe: Integration, Governance and Rescaling ”
Panel 6 – Quebec Borders
Frédéric Lasserre (Université Laval)
“When the Border Straddles my Home: Border villages between Québec and the United States”
Courtney Hammond, Asim Zia and Christopher Brown (University of Vermont & New Mexico State University)
“Environmental Diplomacy & Community-Based Efforts to Enhance Resilience of the Lake Champlain Basin Ecosystem”
Panel 7 – History: Regional Border History
Randy Widdis (University of Regina)
“Research Directions for the Prairies/Plains Region”
Joel Konrad, Rebecca Sciarra and Annie Veilleux (Archaeological Services Inc.)
“Regional Borders and Cultural Heritage Landscapes in Ontario”
Panel 8 – British Columbia – Pacific Northwest Economic Region
Panel 9 – International Borders and Borderlands
Emily Cameron (Carleton University)
“Issues in International Borders and Borderlands”
Manina Jones (University of Western Ontario)
“Border Noir: Crime Fiction and the Representation of Borders and Bodies ”
Panel 10 – Cross-border Research Networks
Panel 11 – Great Lakes Sustainability (IJC)
Daniel Mcfarlane (Western Michigan University)
“The International Joint Commission, Sustainability, and Great Lakes Water: A Historical Appraisal”
Cindy Warwick (International Joint Commission)
“The International Joint Commission: Facing the Challenges of Transboundary Water Management”